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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

No More Paint, But Still Crying.

So, we are officially done painting for this week. The whole house is green, and perfect with the exception of my basement. We just didn't have time to finish the basement too before Thanksgiving, so we are saving it for the weekend. Joy. I have gotten almost off of the paint off of my body, latex paint is surprisingly easy to peel off of your skin with the addition of hot water. The primer, well that's a different story. I got my hands covered in primer when I was trying to clean some brushes. Primer is used to cover up stains on your walls before you paint. Apparently my hands are in desperate need of some covering. I just couldn't get it off. I think I might go back to school with white hands, I mean whiter hands.

I did have a lot to do today, which was completely unexpected. I had to baby-sit twice today, which were both last minute appointments, and I had to go Thanksgiving grocery shopping. My dad, a complete idiot when it comes to domestic cooking (which is hilarious because both of my parents are professional Chefs for 25+ years) bought 6 more bags of stuffing bread than we needed because apparently the 'serving size' above the nutrition label accounts for the amount is in a bag. "No dad, 3/4 cups is only the serving size. There are 9 portions in the bag. You bought 6 more bags than we needed. " (We only needed 3) God. He can be so stupid. So completely and utterly clueless.

I am in need of some serious sleep, and a box of Kleenex. I just watched Beauty and The Beast, and I can't stop crying. Its just so sad and romantic! I want a love like a Disney Princess. I want that so freaking bad, but no. My ex boyfriend would rather spend time being in Beauty and The Beast, then loving like he was living that romance. (We is an actor, he did B&TB recently.) "No don't leave me. I love you!" OMG. Tears. I cried like I have never cried before.
Yes. This is what I looked like watching that movie....Plus some clothes.
Well, like I said, I am really freaking tired, so buenos noches amigos!

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