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Monday, November 21, 2011

First day of Thanksgiving Break

Today is Monday, November 21st. The first day of Thanksgiving break. You would think I would be overjoyed not to be in school; not having any homework or quizzes to study for. You would be wrong. My house is getting re-painted. Eff ya 24 hours of consecutive painting! My hands are completely green and white. I have Slytherin pride and all, but not enough to be the mascot.  My dad, who is the messiest painter of all time, dripped paint into my hair at least ten times, and because I didn't know it, the paint dried. My hair is enough of a hellion without dried latex paint in it. It took an hour of hot water, soap, tears, and scissors to get that out. So now, with a little less hair, I have sworn to never paint with him again. Its just never going to happen, and Thats my shpeal on that.

I don't know what I am going to do all week. All of my friends are away, and Thanksgiving is will be full of terrible aunts and snotty brats. I don't know what I am going to do. I might blog everyday....sounds like a plan. I probably will do some song writing, finish the music for all of the lyrics I have written. The music is the hardest part. Amy and I spend hours and hours on the guitar strums, not to mention the chords we start to write and never finish. I hope I can write more to my NaNoWriMo novel. I might fit in another 5000 or so. I am not going to finish this year, which sucks. I have finished every year I have been in it, and due to these stupid things called "High School" and "Lazy Teenager", I am so behind its not even funny. I would contribute the break up with my boyfriend to the fact I am behind too. Stupid boys. Stupid Zach. Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid. This is another reason I am going to be single for the rest of my life, and part of the reason I won't care.

I think I will spend the week on Facebook and Tumblr. I don't care about the people on Facebook really, but I just want to be there when my ex realizes that we broke up (he doesn't know because he hung up on me before I told him.) and I'll be on Tumblr because, well, i'm always on Tumblr. Everyday I'm Tumblrin'

Right now I am listening to A Hazy Shade of Winter, by Simon and Garfunkel. That song is kind of my addiction right now. Look around, the grass is high. Its the spring-time out our life! Jesus (Its pronounced 'hey-zues', thanks Julian!) I am such a nerd.

Nerds are cool. Thats what my English teacher, Miss. C says. She is so right. I am a nerd, and I am happy about it. I love information, and I don't mind reading The Odyssey in my free time. I love words, and new vocabulary. I love being smarter than other people. I am a nerdfighter, and that's pretty freaking cool. If you don't know what a nerdfighter is, and call yourself a nerd, then you need to check out The Vlogbrothers on Youtube. They are so awesome. Click Here!

I just spent my whole first post rambling about random things, that you guys won't even care about. Sorry. I had fun rambling. I might do it again, tomorrow! DFTBA <3

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